Virtual Zoom Online Classes
1 Class
Your Yoga Space. Here are some tips!
Create space for a mat.
This is really the only requirement for a home practice and keep in mind that having a designated space to practice will help you stay consistent. Your home yoga studio can be a multipurpose space. When the weather is nice you can take your session outdoors too.
Determine if you need some yoga props.
Common props include a yoga block or two, a strap, a blanket, and a bolster. Other fun props include a yoga wheel, FeetUp Trainer, foam roller, small medicine balls for foot work/massage. Keep in mind that you can use home props such as pillows, blankets, stacked books as yoga blocks, scarves, towels, belts, and even a sturdy chair.
Try to Keep your space clean and organized.
Just do your best with this tip! As part of a routine, after class just get in the habit of cleaning your yoga mat and moving your yoga stuff out of the way. Get inspired and create that special environment that invites you in for your practices.
What to Wear to Yoga Class
Comfortable clothing that you love wearing just not loose fitting clothes. Clothing that is easy to move in and wicks away sweat. Avoid clothing that restricts movement and cotton fabric that absorbs and holds moisture. Clothing appropriate for jogging or running constructed of dri-weave fabric is great for yoga.
Change Rooms
Our change room/bathroom offers shower facilities so please bring an extra towel.
Yoga Mats
Please bring your own mat but if you require a yoga mat we will provide you with one for your session. Our freshly clean mats are available to rent for $1.
Please Bring Water
We provide yoga props such as yoga straps, bolsters, blankets, chairs, flex-bands, and cork blocks for your use during practice.